Empowerment Through Disability Rights: Your Legal Guide

Call For A Free Consultation (855) 534-1490

Reasonable accommodation law can be a trap for the unwary.

This is an offshoot of discrimination law. Discrimination law says employers must provide reasonable accommodations for employees with physical or mental disabilities. The law requires an employer to engage in what’s called the “interactive process” to determine “reasonable accommodations” to the disabled employee and then provide them.

Managing this process so it works for you and your employee without violating the law is extremely challenging. And that’s assuming you know the law and have significant real world experience in applying it.

We have that knowledge and real world experience. We are here to help you in this difficult legal area. Call or e-mail us now for a free consultation.

Free consultation from Vision Law - Legal Counsel & Protection for Employers

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(855) 534-1490

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